Thu, 18 Jan
|Virtual Presentation
The third international conference on the secrets of holistic life with the approach of medical sciences, nutrition and mental health
Time & Location
18 Jan 2024, 11:00 – 17:00
Virtual Presentation
About the event
The third International Conference on the Secrets of Holistic Life with the Approach of Medical Sciences, Nutrition and Mental Health (Brussels-Belgium)
Date : January 18,2024
Venue: Rue de la Fabrique/Fabriekstraat, 55-59 1930 Zaventem
You are invited to attend and participate in-person or virtually in the third International Conference on the secrets of Holistic life with the approach of Medical Sciences, Nutrition and Mental Health (HOLISTICCONF) which will be held on January 18, 2024, in Brussels-Belgium. The conference aims to offer opportunities to share your ideas, discuss theoretical and practical issues and connect with the leaders through this conference in the fields of Medical Sciences, Nutrition and Mental Health. After the peer-reviewing process, the selected full papers will be published.
The conference has a virtual presentation option. Virtual participants will receive presentation certificates and their papers will appear in program, abstract, and proceedings books like with our face-to-face conferences. Participants will receive all conference documents (Conference Program Book, Conference Abstract Book, Certificate of Participation, and Proceedings Book) digitally. The Zoom platform will be used for the virtual presentations. Please register and submit your abstract (proposal) first. If your proposal is accepted for presentation, then you may upload your full paper for publication in the proceedings, one of the conference journals or an annual book.
The most important dates to remember are as follows:
Description Date
Paper Submission Deadline 10 January 2024
Early Registration Deadline 28 December 2023
Late Registration Deadline 12 January 2023
Conference Date 18 January 2024
The Holisticconf is organised for:
- Faculty members in all disciplines of health, mental health and nutrition
- Graduate students
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Principals
- All interested in education and social sciences
Discover the diverse benefits of joining the International Conference on the Secrets of Holistic Life with the Approach of Medical Sciences, Nutrition and Mental Health (Holisticconf) 2024:
- Learn about new global research projects and establish international collaborations
- Understand best practices, most recent innovations, and hands-on experiences around the world
- Showcase your research and share your scholarly endeavors with an academic community
- Take advantage of diverse and fast-track publication opportunities with Conference Proceedings, Journals, and Open Access Books
- Join a free guided City Tour and enjoy conversations with fellow researchers and peers
- Select among various options for Presentation: Oral, Poster, or Virtual
- Attend the Conference as an In-Person or Online delegate
- Advance your knowledge from experts in the field
- Get the conference official Invitation and Visa Support Letter
Conference Price and paper submit
Authors (Students) : 290€
Authors (Regular) : 340€
Listener : 120€
Virtual Presentation : 140€
Conference Cancellation Policy
If a registrant cannot attend an event for any reason they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else to attend in their place.
If a registrant is unable to attend and provides the conference registrar is informed in writing by the final date for payment that is displayed on the website for the event in question, the fee paid can be left with as payment towards a place at the same event the following year or another event that takes place in the 12 months following the originally booked event. In the case of a contributing author, the paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings if the fee is held over for another conference but may be eligible for publication in the later event if appropriate.
Where the registrant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to another person or another event, then the following refund arrangements apply:
- Authors:
Registrations cancelled, as a result of a paper not being accepted are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid. The remaining 20% of the fee contributes to administration costs incurred.
Registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the event are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid.
Registrations cancelled less than 60 days, but more than 30 days before the event are eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fees paid.
Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event are no longer eligible for a refund.
Failure to register after receiving a paper acceptance following the review process will incur a EUR 50 review fee.
- Non-authors:
Registrations cancelled more than 10 working days before the event are eligible for a refund of the registration fees paid, less a EUR 50 administration charge.
No refunds are available for cancellations made within 10 working days of the event.
- Visa Issues:
Cancellations from authors made after a failed visa application will be refunded the registration fees paid more than Eur 200, which covers the costs associated with processing the paper. In this event, the paper will still be published in the conference proceedings and the registrant will receive an electronic copy of the proceedings. Early bird Student registrations are not refundable in this instance.
Cancellations from non-authors made after a failed visa application will be refunded the registration fees paid less an administration charge of EUR 50 per participant registered providing notification is received within 10 days of the event.
Important note for failed visa applications: Notification must be received in writing (email) no later than 10 (ten) working days before the conference starts for refunds to be eligible. Cancellations received after this cut-off time will no longer be eligible for refund. If printed proceedings have been ordered and the registrant is unable to attend, additional postage charges will be applied before books will be dispatched. Refunds will be made in the following ways:
For payments received by credit or debit cards, the same credit/debit card will be refunded.
For all other payments, a bank transfer will be made to the payee-nominated account.
Important: For payments received from outside the UK by bank transfer, the refund will be made by bank transfer and all bank charges will be for the registrant's account. The policy as stated on this page is valid from January 2023.
- Webinars:
Webinar bookings cancelled more than 30 days before the event are entitled to a 50% discount. After this date, there are no further refunds. Where possible we will offer you a place on an alternative webinar.
Scientific Committee :
- Prof. Dean učkar, University of Pula, Croatia
- Prof. Doutora Ana Paula Martins da Silva, Oporto Global University, Portugal
- Prof. Dr. Eka devidze, International Black Sea University, Georgia
- Prof. Dr. Oec. Ingars Eriņš, Riga Technical University, Latvia
- Asst. Prof. Moaz nagib gharib, Dhofar University, Oman
- Dr. Adedayo O. Adedeji, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
- Dr. Ágnes csiszárik-kocsir habil, Óbuda University, Hungary
- Dr. Ahmad salihin bin hj baba, University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Dr. Elgilani eltahir elshareif, Canadian University Dubai, UAE
- Dr. Louicius Michel, Burman University, Canada
- Dr. Marco cilento, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Dr. Mawih kareem shakir, Dhofar University, Oman
- Dr. Moreno freites zahira esther, Universidad del Norte, Colombia
- Dr. Muhammad adnan bashir, CBM Karachi, Pakistan
- Dr. Noor azman ali, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Dr. Mohammad Sihab Ridwan, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Surabaya, Indonesia
- Dr. Neelam Rani, Indian Institute of Management Shillong, India
- Professor A. Can Inci, Bryant University, United States
- Dr. Syed Kaleem Ullah Shah Bukhari, Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
- Dr. Javaneh Mehran,Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University, Sweden
- Dr. Marina Godinho Antunes, Invited Adjunct Professor, Lisbon Accounting and Business School (ISCAL), Lisbon Polytechnic Institute, Portugal
- Dr. Bhakta Bandhu Dash, Associate Dean, ASBM University, India
- Professor Nasiru Idris, Nasarawa State University, Nigeria
- Dr. Rohit Bansal, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engineering, India
- Dr. Amalendu Bhunia, Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Kalyani, India
- Dr. Shiva Hashemi, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, UCSI, Malaysia
- Dr. Hazhar Talaat Abubaker Blbas, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Statistics, University of Salahaddin, Iraq
- Dr. José Alberto Martínez González, Department of Business Management and Economic History, Universidad La Laguna, Spain
- Dr. Carmen D. Álvarez-Albelo, Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
- Dr. Fahri Özsungur, Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mersin University, Turkey
- Dr. Jose M. Hurtado Gonzalez, Department of Business Organization and Marketing, Pablo de Olavide University, Spain
- Dr. Tariq Tawfeeq Yousif Alabdullah, College of Administration and Economics, University of Basrah, Iraq
- Dr. Fassil Fanta, Brenau University, United States
- Dr. Natália Teixeira, ISG – Business & Economics School, Portugal
- Dr. Viorela-Ligia Vaidean, “Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
All accepted paper will be published in
Original title: Journal of New Findings in Health and Educational Sciences. Short title: IJHES ISSN: 2980-0641 Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year) Nature: Online Language of Publication: English
You Can send your Article via mail or submit here
Contact Us : info@holisticconf.com